

Opening a business account has never been so easy!

Collect & Pay offers you to open a business payment account online in 3 simple steps. Moreover, the account opening can be done in 2-3 business days in the presence of all needed documents. We have a personal approach to all of our clients and team that will lead you if you have any issues.

So, how to open an account on the Collect & Pay Platform? Check it out here:


At the first step you should fill the application form on our platform. The link you can find here – PLATFORM

Please note that information marked with star ( * )  is mandatory information, you cannot proceed with the onboarding process without it.

The second step is to upload documents for the KYC check (know your client/customer). . This is the procedure of the compliance and AML department to check the company information and analyze possible risks. What is KYC and AML you can read in our article here – Identity verification and risk assessment: what is KYC and AML. 

The last step is to complete identity verification via Passbase. Customers get authenticated within seconds by taking a quick selfie. Next up users are asked to upload a photo of your ID. We check both inputs for authenticity and make sure that the provided selfie and the document are genuine and compatible. The whole process takes less than 90 seconds after which you can start using the Collect & Pay platform.

Contact us to get more information about our services. Our managers will lead you to onboarding and managing your account on our platform. contact@collectnpay.com