
Online banking in general just keeps getting easier. Most banks and credit unions allow people to do most of what they need online, securely.
Many banks and credit unions go even further, letting you do things like make deposits and transfer money between accounts online as well. Online banking is becoming such a norm that any bank that doesn’t currently offer it probably will soon.
If you’re looking to open a checking account online, getting started takes just a few minutes.

But is opening a checking account online safe?
Banks and credit unions have a huge incentive to keep your accounts safe. It’s one of their main jobs, so you can rest assured that your security is their utmost concern.
Banks and credit unions use complex security software and encrypting measures to protect their accounts. If you want more information on what your bank does to protect you, just give them a call.

How long does opening a checking account online take?
The process is pretty quick, but there will usually be a few days between applying for your checking account online and the bank or credit union activating it. For Collect&Pay accounts, it’s 1 business day.

To speed things up, have these items ready before you begin:
🔵 Copy of passport of owners/shareholders.
🔵 Copy of each directors’ passport.
🔵 Copy of Certificate of Incorporation.
🔵 Copy of Company Extract.

Hopefully, that covers all of your concerns. If you have more questions about opening a checking account online or online banking in general, let us know in the comments. We’ll do our best to answer any questions you have via contact@collectnpay.com !

Disclaimer : This financial promotion is intended for retail clients. Please note that this information is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular entity. Also please be aware that this information is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. Collect & Pay is not a financial adviser. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other advice to check how the information published by Collect & Pay relates to your unique circumstances. Licence #AFSA-G-LA-2020-0005 with expiry date of 23.04.2022. Please learn more about the regulatory status of Collect & Pay : collectnpay.com.